Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dollhouse Remodel Progress

The sewing room has all the wallpaper stripped off the walls. It took a bit of elbow grease to get it all.

The hardest part was taking the bits of wallpaper along the floor. Before I wallpaper again, I plan on sanding the walls and smoothing out the slanted part of the corners with some wood inserts.

 The electrical tape will be marked on the floor with masking tape so it will be easier to install the outlets after wallpapering. 

Here is the wallpaper I found for the room (from It is pretty floral pattern that will go with my shabby chic decorating plan. I am going to do a bit of editing to print it on legal size paper. 

But before prettiness can come, the windows need replacing. Time to go shopping again. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Start of My Dollhouse Renovation

There is finally enough room to bring my dollhouse out of storage after over 20 years of being neglected. It took quite a while to clean up after the squatters that lived in it. Those darn mice were not very neat or clean.

Here is a picture of it after the cleaning.  I have started stripping the wallpaper in what originally was going to be the baby's room. In this renovation, I decided it will be the sewing and crafting room. All the loose pieces of wallpaper have been removed.  This is what is left. 

The rest of the paper will get misted with water and then I will use my blow dryer to warm it up and steam it off. Wallpaper paste was used to glue the paper on way back in the early 80's.  Oops, showing my age. The wood floor will be staying, new windows are in order, and trim work. 

So stay tuned to see the progress made on my renovation.